Slime need some changes

Slime finance
2 min readFeb 26, 2021


Slime will reduce slime emissions and will change pool multipliers.

First parameter to be changed, “Slimes per block”

First parameter to be changed: “SLME per block”

At this moment there are 0,314 slimes created per block (3s), which we will reduce to fight inflation and bolster the price of SLME. We will reduce SLME emission by 15%. After this change, 0.267 SLME will be created per block.

Pool Multiplier changes

We will change multipliers of slime pair pools.

At this moment multipliers are SLME-BUSD (x40) and SLME-BNB (x30). This will be changed for SLME-BUSD (x46) and SLME-BNB (x36)

Slime want to be more transparent

A web3 page will be launched to show all slime purchases done by the treasure fund and all slimes burned with their respective timestamp.

Edit: webpage is online here:

What we are doing now

At this moment we are beta testing our vaults, which will be finished soon. We had some problems with our custom geth full pruned nodes created for web3 users and used websocket connection for a better experience on our websites.

At first our vaults will have a harvest fee of 2.5% (used to buyback slime) and deposit fee of 0.1% (used to fund future development). More information about fees will be launched soon, it can be changed

We will use some funds of treasure for our vaults as possible

What is incoming

We are talking about partnerships, hiring new devs and community managers for twitter and telegram, and waiting for the certik audit. We have NFTs and much more in the works. Remember we launched less than 2 days ago!

